
My dad in his living room in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The view from my dad's balcony

My dad's condo is on the third floor. He likes the exercise he gets going up and down the stairs a few times a day,.

A detail from my dad's bathroom. I am quite certain I recognize the striped towel from the 80s.

My dad doesn't like to wear hearing aids because they make him dizzy. Sadly, he often can't hear what people say.

My dad made me breakfast. I inherited his cooking skills!

Every road trip needs some junk food.

Arriving back at his farm in Driggs, Idaho. My dad still drives. He only has one working eye, so it can be very scary to be a passenger.

My dad's favorite shirt, definitely from a thrift store.

Having a beer in his kitchen in Ashton, Idaho at the end of the day (4pm).
